Resolutions you can live with. How to actuate self care.

Sacred Manifestation Elixir supports realistic self-empowerment &  helps overcome setbacks.

How are everyone’s resolutions going?  Often by the second week of January a lot of people are struggling with an "all or nothing” concept with their resolutions.  By now, you may have found that “I will eat no white bread” or "I will do yoga every day” becomes difficult in the face of all the things you have to do in a day.

If Monday comes and goes and you ate a load of doughnuts for breakfast because someone brought them to the board meeting at work, maybe you think tomorrow you can start eating healthily again, because today you blew it. 

Maybe you decided to quit smoking and you were very nearly run off the road on your way home from work, so you went by the convenience store and bought a pack of cigarettes. One last pack and you’ll be done.  

Or you skipped your trip to the gym this morning because you just didn’t sleep well last night, so maybe you decide to start back next week.

There are so many false starts with resolutions.  I used to see them as failures.  And I would have to find a new start time, a new start date.  Something that made sense in my head: tomorrow, next Monday, maybe even next year, I would try again.

Here is the thing: right NOW is what matters.  Your very next breath, your very next action.  The very next bite of food you put in your mouth is a chance to make a healthy choice.  You don’t have to scrap the whole day because you chose doughnuts this morning.  You don’t have to finish that pack of cigarettes. You can still go to the gym today.  

The idea that your actions have to line up with a calendar start date or time can just be a form of procrastination.  There is no good reason to not live in the now as far as your health goes. 

The very next thing you put in your mouth is an opportunity to nurture your being.

There is also a chance here to be your own adult: to be your own parent. 

There is a tiny voice inside all of us that tells us, "I deserve a pile of brownies” or “I deserve to sleep in.” Think of that voice as if it were your three year old self telling you he/she deserved to eat a pile of brownies rather than eat his/her vegetables, or sit around and play video games rather than go outside and play and get some fresh air. 

If you begin to think of yourself as a person you genuinely need to nurture and care for, then it begins to become startlingly clear: what you really deserve is to exercise and to eat healthily.  You deserve to nurture yourself.

When you begin, changes are uncomfortable at first.  When you tell yourself “I deserve this” it may seem to your inner three year old that you are punishing yourself.  So change the dialog ever so slightly, and whatever you do, do not bribe that inner three year old with unhealthy treats. 


“I deserve to nourish my body with healthful choices.” 

“I deserve to feel happy about myself and take care of my body.” 

“I am worthy of healthful choices and mindful living.”

“Every moment is a new opportunity to nourish my being.”

Pretty soon you will convince yourself as well as that inner three year old that YOU ARE WORTHY OF NOURISHMENT AND HEALTHFUL CHOICES. 

Self love and self care will begin to seem like less of a chore and more of a gift to yourself.

Chrysalis is an elixir that encourages healthy choices and restores hope.

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